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Format: Book | EPUB
Author: Philip Golabuk
Genre: Nonfiction
Publisher: PhilosophyCenter
File Size: 350 KB


PhilosophyCenter | EINSTEIN'S MOON

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PhilosophyCenter | Einstein's Moon Overview
PhilosophyCenter | Einsein's Moon
  PhilosophyCenter | Einstein's MoonDoes the moon exist when no one is looking at it? Niels Bohr claimed it does not; Einstein disagreed. At the heart of this famous dispute lie conflicting assumptions about the nature of physical reality that quantum mechanics still has not reconciled. This revolutionary book sheds new light on the subject, exposing misconceptions widely accepted by the world's leading physicists. Quantum computer expert David Deutsch, Max Tegmark, PBS presenter Jim Al-Khalili, and the late Stephen Hawking are all taken on, since they all at one time endorsed one or more of the fallacies that the book dismantles. Einstein's Moon is written to appeal to readers curious about the quantum universe and the problems it poses for empirical knowledge, to remind science of the saving role of humility in approaching ultimate questions, and to restore a sense of wonder before the great mystery of our being-here.

The Falling Tree: Hume and Kant
Particle Superposition: The Spinning Coin
Epistemic-Ontic Confusion
Many Frogs
The Highway Metaphor
Quantum Immortality
The Anthropic Universe
The Myth of the A Priori Object
The Local Observer Problem
Einstein's Moon

PhilosophyCenter | Introduction   "About eighty percent of today's physicists accept CI as an accurate explanation of quantum reality, with most of the remaining twenty percent subscribing to MWI, introduced by Hugh Everett III in 1957 as an alternative to CI to solve the wave/particle paradox and so-called measurement problem that came out of the legendary double-slit experiments. There have been several iterations of MWI since Everett, but generally, it states that in any situation where things go a certain way but could have gone otherwise, e.g., the flipping of a coin that lands either heads or tails up, each unobserved outcome actually exists in a non-intersecting or 'orthogonal' reality every bit as real as the observed one. If the coin lands heads up, for example, then at the moment that heads is observed, the unobserved outcome, tails, 'decoheres' into a parallel universe. In the rolling of a die, six parallel realities would be spawned—one observed, five decohered. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, the decohered versions of the event continue to exist, MWI holds, each in its respective orthogonal framework, though these remain inaccessible to the observer in "this" framework. It gets worse: According to MWI, the observer also splits, with each act of observation, 'locking in' the observed outcome with its respective observer and 'locking out' the others. Thus, with Everett, the further complexity of observer decoherence was added, such that for any system comprising N number of observable outcomes, at the moment that any outcome is observed, N-1 number of parallel universes or 'worlds' branch into existence, each with a different outcome than the observed one and each with a corresponding version of the observer. So much for Ockham's Razor."
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