application and acceptance required prior to enrollment
provides training, collaterals, and support—everything you need to start and grow your philosophical life coaching practice
Instructor: Philip Golabuk
Schedule: TBD
Format: one hour-long phone meeting per week with Study Guide handouts, supervised coaching leading to certification as a PhilosophyCenter Certified Life Coach
Prerequisite: three PHILO COUNSELING℠ sessions
Enrollment period: 12 consecutive weeks
Requirements: phone and email service
See Terms of Study below before enrolling.
Scheduling must be confirmed within 24 hours. Sessions that have not been scheduled and confirmed within 24 hours are subject to cancellation and refund. |

PhilosophyCenter is pleased to offer professional training and certification as a life coach through our LIFECOACH Training (LCT) program. LCT provides an intensive curriculum of individual study and supervised practice that imparts the core competencies of philosophical coaching in just 12 weeks. Over the course of the training, the student learns the unique approach, principles, and methods for "deep" life coaching developed by PhilosophyCenter to help clients identify unwitting beliefs and assumptions, clear contradictions, shed false opinions, and make better choices in all areas of experience. The last six weeks of the program are spent in supervised practice during which the student coaches the instructor, then moves on to coaching guest clients scheduled by PhilosophyCenter. Successful completion of LCT leads to designation as a PhilosophyCenter Certified Life Coach (PCLC) with all attendant benefits and ongoing support.
LCT is designed for:
- entrepreneurs who want to start a life coaching career
- certified life coaches looking to expand their skill set
- licensed psychotherapists who want to incorporate philosophical life coaching into their practice
The benefits of certification include:
- recognition of program completion and professional standing by PhilosophyCenter
- a signed, frameable certificate from PhilosophyCenter
- collateral resources for starting a life coaching practice including graphic assets (logos for print and screen), business card and letterhead templates, life coaching brochure, Building Your Practice sheet, and more
- use of the PCLC logo to display PhilosophyCenter certification
- ongoing support from PhilosophyCenter
Enrollment in LCT is by application only. |
If you'd like to enroll in the LCT program, contact us to express your interest and tell us why taking part in this training is important to you. Include any background you've had that you feel is relevant whether or not formal training was involved. Note that completion of three PHILO COUNSELING℠ sessions is prerequisite to LCT enrollment. Once we receive your statement of intent, we'll get back to you within 24 hours to let you know one way or the other if you've been accepted into the program. The decision to invite candidates to enroll in LCT is made at the discretion of our selection committee. It is generally not open to discussion, and remains in force for a period of six months, after which the student may reapply. Those who reapply and are not accepted a second time are not eligible to reapply again. |
Philosophical Foundations
The Socratic Method
Aristotle's Three Laws
The Dialectic
The Right Questions
The Preliminaries
Respect for the Client
The Art of Listening
Matters of Liability
Setting the Stage
Life Principles I
Life Principles II
Coaching Directions
Clarifying Choice
Coaching the Instructor
Coaching Guest Clients
Terms of Practice
Certification |
Enrollment Period
The enrollment period shall be 12 consecutive weeks starting with the first call.
Session Scheduling
Scheduling must be confirmed within 24 hours. LCT is scheduled to take place over 12 consecutive weeks, one call per week on the same day of the week at the same hour. Scheduling is not complete until it is confirmed by PhilosophyCenter. No session can be scheduled prior to enrollment.
Phoning In
The student should ring the PhilosophyCenter Direct Access Line each week promptly at the scheduled time and arrange to be in a place where ambient noise and interruptions can be kept at a minimum for the duration of the call. Note that the instructor will wait ten minutes for the student to arrive on the call, failing which class for that day will be cancelled and counted as missed.
Missed Classes
Given the flexibility of individual study, however, the student may reschedule a given week up to twice during the initial eight weeks only. Students must complete all twelve weeks of the training to be eligible to complete the program and receive certification. Rescheduled classes must be made up the following week at the regularly scheduled time. As guest clients are scheduled to join the call in the last four weeks of the training for supervised coaching, the student cannot miss any of these meetings and still complete the program, nor can they be rescheduled. Please be sure your schedule is in the clear for the duration of the enrollment period before enrolling to avoid conflicts.
Limited Use
The PhilosophyCenter Direct Access Line phone number provided at the time of enrollment may be used only to initiate session calls during the contract period and may not be shared with any third party.
By enrolling, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Terms of Study and the PCLC Terms of Prctice below. |

The PCLC may use the title "PhilosophyCenter Certified Life Coach," "PhilosophyCenter Certified Coach," or "Certified Coach" but not "Certified PhilosophyCenter Coach" or other such variations that may be ambiguous or imply direct PhilosophyCenter staff affiliation. PCLCs practice as independent contractors.
Content and Other Restrictions
PCLCs may not copy, reproduce, or distribute content from LCT or the PhilosophyCenter web site, or reproduce or distribute PhilosophyCenter copyrighted materials or programs for any purpose in any medium. Certification does not qualify or entitle the PCLC to teach LCT or to present the principles or practices of any other PhilosophyCenter program. Note that PhilosophyCenter does not endorse, authorize, or allow the dissemination of its intellectual property by any third party in any form, e.g., books, workshops, tapes, blog posts or other writings, etc.
Collateral Materials
PhilosophyCenter will provide PCLCs, upon certification, with collateral materials for distribution to clients and prospective clients. PCLCs also may produce their own materials, but must submit them to PhilosophyCenter for review and approval prior to disseminating them. Any materials PCLCs produce may not include excerpts from the PhilosophyCenter web site or programs. PCLCs agree not to make public any materials they have produced that PhilosophyCenter has disapproved for any reason.
Logo Usage
PCLCs may use the PCLC logo freely as an identifying graphic asset, but may not use the PhilosophyCenter logo.
Client Confidentiality
PCLCs agree to abide by the standard of unconditional respect for all who come to them for life coaching by never divulging to any third party information shared in a session that might in any way identify those whom they have coached. Recording of sessions is expressly prohibited, even with client permission.
Abiding by These Terms
As honoring these Terms of Practice is a requirement of PCLC standing and ongoing support and benefits from PhilosophyCenter, PCLCs understand and accept that the failure to abide by these terms may, if the issue cannot be resolved otherwise, constitute grounds for suspension or in extreme cases revocation of their certification at the discretion of PhilosophyCenter, and that these Terms of Practice as well as PCLC programs may be revised or amended from time to time to improve the program as PhilosophyCenter deems fit.
These Terms of Practice are spelled out so that the LCT student will be clear about what the commitment to certification entails and requires. Our commitment is to tirelessly guide and support PCLC candidates from the start of training through certification and afterward, so that they can enjoy a new depth of fulfillment and enrichment in their life coaching practice, and serve as a resource for helping others realize the liberating benefits of philosophical self-work. |

Philip Golabuk is an internationally acclaimed author and educator. After completing his undergraduate and graduate degrees in philosophy at the University of Florida with special studies in existentialism, theory of knowledge, and phenomenology, he taught philosophy at the college level and as part of a community outreach program to inmates in jail and prison. He has written several books in applied philosophy that were published in the U.S. and overseas in translation by national and international publishers including Harper & Row and Ernst Kabel Verlag and reviewed in The Washington Post and Harper's Magazine. In 1993, he founded PhilosophyCenter, subsequently developing a number of courses in practical philosophy as well as leading-edge philosophical facilitating, counseling, and coaching models and methods. Philip is a member of the National Philosophical Counseling Association. He is also an accomplished guitarist and ballet dancer, proving that there are philosophers who actually can do things. |

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